At the First Congregational Church of Sheffield, our welcome to all people is simple: whoever you are, wherever you are on life’s journey, you are always welcome here!
However, our world is not simple, and we acknowledge that it is far more diverse than we have previously imagined and that, historically, we have been far less inclusive than we are called to be.

So, let it be known that, in Christ, we celebrate, affirm and embrace the rich diversity of God’s good creation. We seek to be a fully inclusive and welcoming community of faith because we believe that God desires our oneness with all people, everywhere, and we long for the day when we may all be one.
Affirming and celebrating this diversity, we invite people of every sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, racial and cultural identity, age, ability, economic circumstances, faith background and family structure to share fully in the ministry, leadership and fellowship of this congregation’s life in Christ.

PRIDE CELEBRATION 2021 guest story teller, Rev. Yolanda!
Seeking to follow the example of Jesus Christ who welcomed all into his embrace, and mindful of the often painful history of LGBTQ people in the church, we join with other Open and Affirming congregations of the United Church of Christ to stand with and enthusiastically affirm the right of LGBTQ people to participate fully in the life of this congregation.
We are people on a continuing journey seeking justice in our neighborhood and world, relying on the presence of Christ’s Spirit to show us when and where we are to serve.
God’s love excludes no one and neither do we.

Sheffield Pride Celebration
June 9th, 2023
- Pride Farmer’s Market 3:00-6:00 PM
- Drag Storytime with Bella Santarella 5:00-6:00
- Free Community Pulled Pork / BBQ Mushroom Dinner by Padre Pollo 6:00-7:00
- Prideful Pet Parade 6:00
- Pride Variety Show 7:00-8:30
- Dance Party 8:30-9:00
- Face Painting, Pride Photo Booth, Community of Pride Table, Raffle Tickets, and a new Pride Brew Beer from Big Elm, all available from 3:00 PM on!
Sheffield Pride 2022