The Sheffield Food Assistance Program

The Sheffield Food Assistance Program has been serving residents of the Southern Berkshire Regional School District for over 30 years. It is located in the kitchen and parish hall at the back of the First Congregational Church of Sheffield, “Old Parish”, 125 Main Street in Sheffield. The program is open on Monday mornings starting at 9:00am. This food assistance outreach is run entirely by volunteers and currently serves nearly 80 people. ANYONE living in the Southern Berkshire Regional School District is eligible to participate weekly, no one will be turned away. As a result of COVID -19 protocols, program participants may receive their distribution in a drive through process and need not leave their cars.
It is very easy to become enrolled in the program: You may visit or call Monday mornings between 8am and 10am at (413)229-2038 or leave a message on the church phone at: (413)229-8173.

The Sheffield Food Assistance Program
PO Box 387
Sheffield MA 01257
by clicking the yellow DONATE button at the top of the page